網購新寵! Review of Zaful.com!


近來轉了新工,經常OT,但當然也不會忘記Shopping 買新衣「氹自己」歡心!在機緣巧合之下,找到了Zaful.com了。雖然開店不久但在各社交平台下已經有過萬的followers,而且也有很多「賣家秀」,令人感到十分安心,加上衣服款式十分的多及漂亮,也不容易和人撞款!

Since i got my new job and i was having a very busy life, but in the meanwhile i won't forget to get some new clothes to treat myself better, so, i found Zaful.com randomly. Even Zaful just started their own business not for long, but their soical media platfrom already gain a lot of followers, and we can see there is lot of buyer's picture and good review, seems like trust-able and good!


Zaful 走的風格其實是十分大膽的,也是令人興奮的和前衛的時尚服飾一站式在線商店。Zaful是追求卓越的設計和品質,絕對能滿足每一位的對時尚需求。Zaful也掌握最新的流行趨勢提供Fast Fashion style。另外讓我驚喜的是,Zaful 的內衣及衣也令人花多眼亂,我也入手了另一款的泳衣,又是近年及我最愛的一件頭,有關這件衣服下個文章 再發了吧。

Zaful is a one-stop online shop for today’s most daring, exciting and edgy fashion apparel. Their affordable collections are all about redefining trends, design excellence and exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista. Zaful's original idea is to share the latest news and fashion trends on women’s clothing with fashion-forward, free-thinking girls, Zaful offer the fast fashion worldwide. Zaful was established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest in compelling designs for the fashionably hip along with providing exceptional value, quality, and superb customer service. They offer a select choice of clothing, shoes, accessories and more to deck out your wardrobe with style. For those who embrace inspired cutting edge fashion that’s ahead of the trend curve, welcome to destination chic.


今次我選擇了這一年金光閃耀的Jumpsuit, 加上今年大熱off shoulder 設計,令這條裙子的感覺更優雅華麗。
This time i choose this very shinny, elegant Jumpsuit, with the hottest design detail - Off shoulder detail, made this dress even more elegant and Lux.

Sequins Off The Shoulder Long Sleeve Dress:

當然,我沒有model 這麼瘦,但總體來說碼數沒有偏大或偏小,我這個臀部大的人今次買M碼也十分合身!而且穿上身十分的好看,伴著陽光閃爍下,金光閃閃美到不行了。用來出席晚宴及去Party,絕對會是全場觸目。而且衣服設計上也比較彈性,衣料雖然是長袖但其實十分通爽。即使夏天也不怕熱。

In fact, i am not as skinkny like the model, but the size are fit, even i have a "okay big bug" wearing M size still perfect, love how it looks when i was under the sun, very shinny and "bling bling", Would be a perfect dress to go party or ball. About the fabric, is not too hot for the summer and chill.




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